Volunteers make our school strong and provide a great learning experience for our kids. We want you to be a part of our team and provide many opportunities for you to participate. Every effort is appreciated!
If you can head up a committee or spearhead a new effort at school – great.

Welcome Volunteers,
WHES loves ALL of our volunteers and we look forward to another exciting school year!
Here are a few friendly reminders and some valuable new information to help you and our WHES staff have a successful. Our possibilities are endless when working together.
KeepNTrack Volunteer Application - http://www.calvertnet.k12.md.us
Please remember that ALL VOLUNTEERS including field trip chaperones, room parents, Tuesday Folder helpers and special event and after school volunteers must be approved in the KeepNTrack system. Please visit the website above and click on VOLUNTEER WITH US on the main page. This application must be completed every school year.
When Entering The Building –
When entering the building please proceed to the Volunteer/Visitor Sign-In Computer. After obtaining your badge please sign in the Volunteer Book located on the front counter. Our staff has been instructed to escort any adult in the building without a badge to the front office, so please make sure your badge is visible throughout your visit with us. Front office staff will buzz you in the main office via the single door entrance. We ask that you proceed to your right just after the desks in the main office and use the main hallway to enter the school. Please do not go down small hallway while you are here volunteering. Our nurse and administrators are located in this hallway and for student/teacher confidentiality only our school personnel are allowed in that area. Please don’t hesitate to ask the front office for guidance 😊
New Volunteer Space-
This year the PTA and school volunteers will be sharing a room with the school’s Instructional Assistant (IA) Team. The room number is 26 and it is adjacent to the “Barn” room, which is located down the Kindergarten Hallway, first door on the left. Please use the “Barn” room entrance to avoid traffic through the Pre-K and new Kindergarten rooms. You may use the restroom located in the “Barn” room. This new volunteer space will be available for any Room Parents’ needs, Tuesday folder sorting/stuffing and PTA organization. The laminator will be in the volunteer workspace and will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. The laminator needs at least 30 minutes of warm-up time before use.
Photocopying will continue to occur in the room off the Media Center. There will be locations in both rooms for teachers to leave items that they need assistance with so please check both rooms when completing work for a teacher. There is instruction occurring in the Media Center daily, so we ask that you access the copy room via the hallway closest to the copy room. This will decrease any interruptions.
Tuesday Folders-
Tuesday folder information will be located in the black cabinet in the volunteer workspace. We will place any flyers on top of the black cabinet that need to be sorted/counted out for each teacher. Once counted they will be placed in the cabinet by the teachers’ name.
Remember if you have any questions our front office staff is here to help, please do not hesitate to ask.